Sunday, April 25, 2021

Doug Fallon's EXILES...


And I ain't talking about another new stimulus check in the mail. which btw I still haven't got. This is even better! NAMELY, the release of my new album, EXILES, which contains the first music I've composed in the last three years, written while I was in lockdown with the rest of youse. Hence, the lugubrious title: EXILES.

It's got some pretty good music, if I do say so myself, and I do. But what's even better, you can listen for FREE, on Spotify:

or on YouTube:

So, what are you waiting for? Another stimulus check? Hang up the phone right now, and start listening to my latest platter of tunes for FREE! It's very symphonic to say the least.



An alien space probe (yes, that kind of probe) has landed in Aisle 13, right next to the dollar Christmas decorations display, and released into Earth's atmosphere my latest album, SOMETHING NEW, SOMETHING RATHER BLUE. Before everyone starts screaming and running for the nearest fire exit, DO NOT PANIC, for this new album not only comes in peace, but you can listen to it for it FREE on Spotify:

or on YouTube:

In the meantime, on behalf of our newly hired clerks Yerchex and Zandu from the Planet Nebula X, please enjoy your shopping experience in Aisle 13, as well as SOMETHING NEW, SOMETHING RATHER BLUE!


Doug Fallon's SUMMER...

It's almost SUMMER out there, dude!

And how do I know this hot little factoid? Because my album, SUMMER, is out! So, grab your flip-flops, your beach chair, & suntan lotion, because - cowabunga! - we're heading to the beach where we can all listen for FREE to SUMMER either on Spotify at:

or on YouTube:

I guarantee ya that just one listen of my new album SUMMER, and you'll feel like you're walking on the boardwalk down at Coney Island, munching on a Nathan's footlong hotdog!

Hmmm yummy! Now, who's up for a ride on the Loop the Loop?

Doug Fallon's HARD TIMES

Hi, folks! Just thought I'd let you know that my album, HARD TIMES, has been released. To my mind, the music is pretty good in a foot tapping way, and what's even better, you can stream it for FREE at either Spotify:

or YouTube:

For those of you keeping score at home, this will be my 28th album, and in the next month or two, I'll have at least two more coming out.


Anyhoo, please give a listen to my new album HARD TIMES, and I hope you all will enjoy it, and its mellifluous, syncopated delights.

On behalf of the Management, thank you for your cooperation.

Saturday, December 15, 2018

Listen to Doug Fallon's 'Music from GANZIR' album for free...

Well, we had a pretty good response to our GANZIR promotion on Amazon. But I just wanted to remind everybody that there is also the MUSIC album for GANZIR which you can stream for FREE either on Spotify:

Or on YouTube:

It's not so much a sing-along album, since it ain't got no words, but more of a listen-along album, bringing to you all the romance, mystery, suspense and intrigue that you'll find as you turn the pages of GANZIR the e-novel. So, kick back and enjoy, and be ready to duck down a dark alleyway!

Friday, September 14, 2018

Doug Fallon's 'In My World'

IN MY WORLD. That's the name of my newest album. And like the Universe, IN MY WORLD has been in the making a very long time. Perhaps decades, centuries, maybe even eons. I don't know, I forget. I'm lucky I remember my zip code. But if you're tired of your own world, and wanna try a new one on for size, then welcome, pilgrim, and have a taste of IN MY WORLD, now available for your listening pleasure on iTunes/Apple, Amazon, Google Play, iHeartRadio, Deezer, Yandeks, etc.

You can also stream it for FREE in its entirety either on Spotify:

Or on YouTube:

BTW, while you're IN MY WORLD, please pick up after yourself. I don't want anybody littering up the joint.

Thursday, August 2, 2018

Doug Fallon's 'Mysteries'

So, I'm sitting there in a bar, as is my usual, thinking about the MYSTERIES of Life, when it suddenly occurred to me (after my fourth scotch), HEY! I should put out an album to help people cope with Life's MYSTERIES. A sort of how-to, you know? And mystery of MYSTERIES, that's exactly what I did! Presenting my newest album MYSTERIES, now available for your listening pleasure on iTunes/Apple, Amazon, Google Play, iHeartRadio, Deezer, Yandeks, etc.

You can also stream it for FREE in its entirety either on Spotify:

Or on YouTube:

I tell ya, folks, it's a mystery to me how I keep coming up with these things. Can I have another scotch, please?

Sunday, July 22, 2018

Doug Fallon's 'Alternate Routes'

There you are zipping along Life's Big Highway, when you suddenly hit bumper-to-bumper, & you say "Siri, find me some ALTERNATE ROUTES pronto!" & Siri says "ALTERNATE ROUTES, Doug Fallon's latest album, now available for your listening pleasure on iTunes/Apple, Amazon, Google Play, iHeartRadio, Deezer, Yandeks etc.

You can also stream it for FREE in its entirety either on Spotify:

Or on YouTube:

Yes, folks! Give ALTERNATE ROUTES a listen & you'll be zipping along again on Life's Big Highway in no time. Thanks, Siri!

Monday, June 11, 2018

Doug Fallon's 'Goin' On'

Ever since I was a kid, I was fascinated by Antarctica, and my icy winters in northern Michigan certainly fed into that love. So, if the summer gets too hot for you, and you wanna cool off quick, may I suggest my new album, GOIN' ON, available now on iTunes/Apple, Amazon, Google Play, iHeartRadio, Deezer, Yandeks, etc.

You can also stream it for FREE in its entirety either on Spotify:

Or on YouTube:

BTW, the piece The Storm's Eye was composed the night Hurricane Sandy shook my wee NYC flat. Anyway, please enjoy and share and get those huskies movin'!

Thursday, May 10, 2018

Doug Fallon's 'Nearing the Center'

Daffodils are blooming, robins singing, and now Spring has officially Sprung with the release of my new album NEARING THE CENTER. Actually, it's got nothing to do with Spring, but who cares? It's the fake thought that counts.

Anyhoo, NEARING THE CENTER is available now on iTunes/Apple, Amazon, Google Play, iHeartRadio, Deezer, & Yandeks, etc.

You can also stream it for FREE either on Spotify:

Or on YouTube:

In the spirit of better international relations, please share.

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Doug Fallon's 'Artistes'

Well, the Super Bowl is over, and you're probably still sitting on your couch, wondering "What do I do now?" Get on with your life? (BORING). Climb Mt. Everest? (Maybe tomorrow) So, what to do? Here's a suggestion! Try listening to my newest album, ARTISTES, now available on iTunes/Apple, Amazon, Google Play, Deezer, Yandeks, etc. 

You can also stream it for FREE either on Spotify:

Or on YouTube:

Guaranteed to put a kick into your End Zone. Please share if you like, and pass the chips.


Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Doug Fallon's 'Demons & Phantoms'

To all you hardcore pagans, druids, and non-denominational heathens still celebrating New Year's Eve (plus Winter Solstice and the End of Eye of Newt Month), may I suggest my newest album, DEMONS & PHANTOMS, to add a little zesty oomph to your satanic hijinks? It is available now on iTunes/Apple, Amazon, Google Play, Deezer, Yandeks, etc...

You can also stream it for FREE either on Spotify:

Or on YouTube:

So, let the holiday warmth of Halloween into your house with DEMONS & PHANTOMS, and make sure you have an exorcist on hand when you do! Please share!

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Doug Fallon's 'The Voyage'

While everyone is over the river & thru the woods to grandmother's house, that is, if grandma ain't hangin out in the local bar instead, you might consider my newest album THE VOYAGE to aid you in your journey. Almost as good as a GPS (not really), it is available now on iTunes/Apple, Amazon, Google Play, Deezer, Yandeks, etc.

You can also stream it for FREE either on Spotify:

Or on YouTube:

Thank you all for listening, hope you enjoy, and please share if you do! Drive safely this holiday!

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Doug Fallon's 'Looking Back'

Well, it's a Tuesday night, and in one hand I got a bottle of scotch, and in the other, a fistful of memories. Which means it's time for me to release my latest album, LOOKING BACK, available now on iTunes/Apple, Amazon, Google Play, Deezer, Yandeks, etc.

You can also stream it for FREE either on Spotify:

Or on YouTube:

Thank you all for listening, hope you enjoy, and please share if you do!


Sunday, September 17, 2017

Doug Fallon's 'Heading Out, Again'

Hi, folks! Got a new album out called HEADING OUT, AGAIN. I don't have anything funny/witty to say about it, 'cept I think the music's pretty good and I like the cover a lot. The album is available on iTunes/Apple, Amazon, Google Play, iHeartRadio, as well as Deezer and Yandeks. You can also stream it for FREE...

– on Spotify:

– on YouTube:

So, thank you all for listening and if you enjoy, please share.

Sunday, July 30, 2017

Doug Fallon's 'The Moon & The Stars'

All jazzed about the upcoming Big Solar Eclipse on Aug. 21? Well, space cadets, why wait when you can experience the whole cosmic event and much, much more on my new album, THE MOON & THE STARS, now available for blast-off on iTunes/Apple, Amazon, Google Play, iHeartRadio, etc. You can also stream it for FREE on Spotify:

and on YouTube:

Thank you all for listening and if you enjoy, please share! And remember! Keep watching the sky! They're coming!

Thursday, July 13, 2017

Doug Fallon's 'In the Days Hereafter'

Just in time for summer fun at the beach is the release of my new album, IN THE DAYS HEREAFTER. Guranteed to block harmful UV rays and shark attacks (not really), it's available on iTunes/Apple, Amazon, Googleplay, etc. You can also stream it for FREE either on Spotify:

Or on YouTube:

Thank you all for listening and if you enjoy, please share! Surf's up!

Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Doug Fallon's 'Beginnings'

Ever get the feeling life is just one big maze, and you want to go back to the beginning? Well, now you can with my new album, BEGINNINGS, just released on iTunes/Apple, Amazon, Googleplay, etc. You can also stream it for FREE...

– on Spotify:

– on YouTube:

– on Yandex (Russia):

Thank you all for listening and if you enjoy, please share!

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Doug Fallon's 'Picking Up the Thread'

Hi, folks! Having a really bad hair day? Well, wash your woes away with new and improved PICKING UP THE THREAD, my latest album now available on iTunes, Amazon, eMusic, etc...

You can also stream it for FREE either on Spotify:

Or on YouTube:

Thank you all for listening and if you enjoy, please share!

Monday, March 13, 2017

Doug Fallon's 'Catching Up'

Hi, folks! To help celebrate Happy Monday the 13th, which is today, I've just released my 13th album, entitled CATCHING UP. Besides being available on iTunes, Amazon, eMusic, etc., you can also stream it for FREE on Spotify:

...and on YouTube:

Thank you all for listening and if you enjoy, please share!

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Doug Fallon's 'The Winter Months'

Hi, folks! To help you get through the long cold nights ahead, I've just released a new album called THE WINTER MONTHS. Besides being available on iTunes, Amazon, eMusic, etc., you can also stream it for FREE on Spotify:

... and on YouTube:

Thank you for listening, and I hope you enjoy. Please share and stay warm!

Saturday, November 26, 2016

Doug Fallon's 'A Turn in the Path'

Hi, folks! Just wanted to let you know I have a new album out called A TURN IN THE PATH. Besides being available on iTunes, Amazon, Googleplay, eMusic, and even Yandeks Muzikaya (if you happen to be living in Russia), you can listen to it for FREE on Spotify at:

...and on YouTube at:

I thank you all for listening, and I hope you enjoy! If you do, please share!

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Doug Fallon's 'A Different Door'

Hi! Just thought I'd let you folks know I have a new album out, called A DIFFERENT DOOR. It's available on iTunes, Amazon, Google Play, etc. But if you'd like to listen for FREE, please go to Spotify at:

Or, go to YouTube at:

Thanks for listening, and I hope you enjoy. If you do, please share!

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Doug Fallon's 'It's Personal'

Hi! Just thought I'd let you folks know I have a new album out, called IT'S PERSONAL. It's available on iTunes, Amazon, Google Play, etc. But if you'd like to listen for FREE, please go to Spotify at:

Or go to YouTube at:

Thank you for listening, and if you enjoy, please share.